Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Productive Day!

I have been off of the gym for a couple of days, as well as my diet. I know it sounds terrible and I may not have a great excuse but it was my 30th birthday weekend. So I pretty much relaxed and had a fun time with a bunch of good friends.

Now that the weekend was over I did have a very productive day today. I lifted chest real heavy today. I was very impressed with myself after the lay off.

A side note I have a project for a class that involves me doing a soundslide. This pretty much is telling a story with pictures and some music in the background. During my lift today a buddy of mine followed me around and took pictures of my routine for this project. So, within the next week or two I will be posted the completed slide. I am excited to see how it looks.

Also I never really told much about myself and really why I started writing this blog. Please stop by in the near future for a more in depth look at myself.


Thanks for reading!

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