Thursday, April 9, 2015

Dreadful Cardio

Have had an extremely productive week! I have been spot on with my diet and been to the gym four days straight. Yes that includes four straight days of cardio.

Ohh dreadful cardio. I have never been a fan of doing cardio but this time I was determined to stick with the regimen. I have consistently done cardio at least four times a week.

Her is a little motivation for those who hate it as well!

That is about what my results look like daily.

If you are having trouble getting it in everyday just remember you are not alone in this world in not wanting to do cardio. I choose to use the elliptical because it is less stressful on the knees. I have also been told by pro bodybuilders that running on treadmills is bad overall for the quads. Take a look at the link below if you are not sure which you would prefer.

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