Saturday, May 2, 2015


Well I ended up doing back yesterday. It was a nice light workout. Did lightweight for high reps. Surprisingly the triceps are used for almost everything even slightly so I did not want to over work them with heavyweight during back.

The tris are still sore so I am definitely pointing to I overworked them. Going to tone it back a bit next week. Thinking about doing legs today to just give the upper body a break from the weights.

Rewarded myself with a productive week overall with a nice dipper pizza from pizza hut. I do recommend them. They are down right delicious!

Extremely excited news today. I weighed myself and I am down a nice amount. Started out at 194 and I am now down to 184. Stomach is starting to flatten out. I am very happy with the results! If I keep it up I should be down to the 170 in the next couple months so I can bulk back up to 200.

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