Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Monster Shoulders

Wow today was fantastic. A bit of a late lift this evening but very productive. I really hit the three headed monster really hard and got a great pump. I reference to the three headed monster is the three parts of the shoulders. The front, mid, and back delts.

I was always told and this comes from a very reliable source to make sure to concentrate on the three areas independently. This allows for the great growth. When working the back delts, stick with them for several exercises before moving to the mid or front. This keeps the blood encased in that specific delt.

Once you have exhausted whatever delt one would be working on move to the next and so on. If you have never tried this you will thank me because it is the best shoulder pump you will ever have, at least in my opinion.

If you are not familiar with how to hit each section of the shoulder individually, give this article a look on different shoulder exercises

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