Monday, May 4, 2015

Beautiful Monday Motivation

Chest is feeling fantastic this morning. Being able to lift heavy yesterday with a gym partner really made the difference with chest. I really have not been sore in this area for quite sometime and today it feels wonderful to feel sore.

Woke up to some beautiful weather. The weather app says there is a chance of rain today. I am hoping this holds off because I would love to do my cardio outside today. I am sure some of you can relate that running or biking inside constantly gets extremely boring. A change of scenery is always nice and what better of a change then the great old out doors.

Yes, it is Monday and I know many of us have a hangover from the weekend. And I do not mean from alcohol but just the fact that the weekend is over. If you need a little pick me up on how to start your morning out on the right foot, check out this article in Readers Digest. Several of this tips may not relate to you in life, but that does not mean that their on not some that can help!

Always wake up with a positive attitude and this will help you power through the day.

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