Sunday, March 15, 2015

Third Week Productive

The third week has been the best since the beginning. I was able to maintain a proper diet throughout the week and managed to get to the gym four days in a row.

I tried something a little extreme during this week. I CUT OUT ALL CARBS! Wow!

When I started I was 193 lbs. After the week of no carbs I was down to 188 lbs. It was extremely trying both mentally and physically. I went from a decent amount of energy to feeling almost zapped every single day. Not only that but I became extremely moody. My results felt good while looking at the scale but no carbs is not for me.

I did some research and I found it best that if you are going to cut crabs to cut them down but not totally out. Limit the carbs to morning, afternoon, and directly after your workout to refuel the tank. Eating carbs between the hours of five and six are just not a good approach. Since most people will be going to be shortly afterward the body now has an overload of carbs to digest while sleeping, and during sleep ones digestion slows down which cause the body to store fat.

Pictures from week three of my arms routine. Always make sure to focus on the muscle you are working on and to put as much stress as possible on that specific muscle!

In conclusion no carbs are not the way to go for me. It may be for you but my experience was not all that great.

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