Thursday, March 19, 2015

Negative into a Postivie

Work hard and play hard. This week has been busy just getting back into classes. This is the week after spring break and had much work to catch up on. If I was not studying for a test, I was reading or doing another assignment for one of my classes.

Put that aside and this week in the gym has been very positive. I have only been able to get a workout in twice but they have been extremely effective.

Monday I was finally looking like my old self one bench press, putting up 225lbs again! I did a lot of super sets to really get the blood pumping in the chest.

Chest is one of the harder muscles groups I have to grow.

Today I was able to get a quick workout in before a business meeting of mine. I did shoulders and wow was it great. By the end of the 45 minutes I could barely lift my shoulders. I had them really puffed up. I did nothing put supersets on all three of the delts (front, middle, rear).

I could have eaten better throughout this week but overall I am satisfied with it. I still have three days to go before the week is over and maybe I can squeeze in another two gym days.

Here are some tips to grow the chest!

I personally read a lot of different articles to train from and Jay (he is the one giving the tips in the article) is one of my favorites to follow.

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