Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Highest High to The Lowest Low

This is my fourth week of working to get back in shape and it by far has been my WORST week to date. My college had spring break and I became lazy. The first day I found myself motivated and right in the gym as if it were any other day.

And that was the last day I was in the gym for the rest of the week. Today is Sunday and this would make day number six without being in the gym. I did not even eat very well this week.

I am not sure if it was taking advantage of the extra sleep or if it were possibly my mind telling me just relax this week. Either way this week has been a disaster as it comes to getting back in shape.

Must keep my head up and stay positive. It was a down week but there is a new week starting tomorrow and I plan on hitting it harder! I will come back this week and spin this negative into a positive.

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